BNB Chain - Stargate BUSD

This Stargate pool is a bridge-based pool that provides liquidity such that people can bridge between tokens between different chains. Liquidity providers to this pool are essentially behaving as liquidity providers to the bridge earning fees from people wanting to bridge their tokens from one blockchain to another. LPs are entitled to STG token incentives. STG is the governance token of the Stargate Bridge.

Our EmplifAI Vault holds the LP token of the underlying Stargate pool, however we allow users easy access into this pool using the ‘ZAP’ feature. User can deposit the LP token directly into the vault or use the ZAP feature by providing BUSD. If ZAP is used, BUSD deposits the BUSD into the pool, receives the LP token and holds them in the vault with all other user’s LP tokens . All LP’s in the Stargate pool are entitled to STG token rewards (Hiba). The Vault uses the sum of all LP tokens to claim STG rewards periodically and then sells them for more BUSD and redeposits back into the underlying pool, effectively increasing the LP balance of the vault.

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